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Mercury-Free Far UV-C 222nm Excimer Lamps-300W
Auther: Pubdate:2020-10-27

222nm Far UV-C excimer lamps-300W


Features & Benefits

CORONA is proud to introduce the 222nm series, our new line of 222nm Far UV-C excimer lamps for microbial reduction applications.

The filtered 222 lamps can be safely used not only in unoccupied spaces but also in occupied spaces without posing a health risk to humans when used within the current exposure limits recommended by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH®) or the requirements of IEC 62471. Exposure within the current ACGIH recommendations and IEC requirements allow microbial reductions using 222nm far-UVC light sources in occupied spaces. Recent studies indicate that higher doses of filtered UV light emitted from the 222nm lamps pose a minimal health risk to human skin or eyes.

Features of the 222 lamp allow customers to obtain 100% light output in less than a second, whereas the conventional germicidal lamp starts at only 50% output and takes several minutes to achieve 100% output.

These mercury-free and instant-start excimer lamps (available in 100W, 200W and 300W lamp) are ideal for bathrooms, toilets, counter tops, and other occasional-use applications.

The featured 100WB1 module contains a patented filter that eliminates dangerous longer wavelengths of more than 230nm.

  • Mercury Free – Environmental Friendly
  • Large Production Capacity
  • Effective Germicidal Wavelength
  • Effective Reduction of Viruses, Bacteria, and Spores
  • Wide Operating Temperature
  • Instantaneous On/Off at Full Output Power
  • No Lifetime Reduction by Frequent On/Off Cycles
  • Proprietary Safety Filter Technology Available to Ensure Narrowband 222nm Emission