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Breakthrough for bacterial disinfection
Auther: Pubdate:2020-10-27

The breakthrough truly signifies a game changer for the healthcare industry in terms of potentially lifesaving applications which are created from the development of the new technology.

Potential applications include but are not limited to:

  • The treatment of infected chronic wounds
  • Disinfection of surgical sites during surgery
  • Minimising aerial and contact infections by H1N1 (Bird Flu), SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, Dengue Fever and the Ebola Virus
  • Ultraviolet hand disinfection devices
  • Introduction of sterilising capability into hand-dryers, etc.
  • Spore fungus and norovirus sterilisation

The new device is realised by narrow band spectrum technology which penetrates and kills bacteria with 222nm radiation using the  KrCI Excimer lamp but is absorbed by the stratum corneum so that it does not reach human cell nuclei at the cellular level or epidermal cells at the tissue level. Furthermore, this technology dramatically reduces biological damage to human cells in comparison with convention UV rays, whilst still providing the disinfecting effect of conventional UV lamps.